FES Foot Drop

  1. 2010 Cameron WalkAide – EU Neuro Review.pdf
  2. 20120328 FESvlOl Scotland.pdf
  3. Andersson et al 2006 identify fallers_cva_validity of 4 test methods_BBS_TUG HL.pdf
  4. Barrett et al 2009_RCT FES vsther ex on walking performance_MS_PNS.pdf
  5. Bethoux et al 2015 LT follow up to an RCT.FES to AF012 month results_C VA,pdf
  6. Bethoux F et al 2014 effects of peroneal nerve stim vs AFO_chronic stroke.pdf
  7. Bioness FASTEST trial.pdf
  8. Burridge and McLellan 2000 relation of abn mm activation and PN FES_CVA.pdf
  9. Burridge et al 1997 effect of FES on effort _ speed of gait_CVA_PNS_RCT.pdf
  10. Burridge et al 2007 Walking on Uneven and even surfaces-gait speed-PCI_ CVA.pdf
  11. Chae J, Sheffler L, Knutson J. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for Motor Restoration in Hemiplegia. Top Stroke Rehab 2008_ 15-5 pages 412-426.pdf
  12. Daichman et al 2003 FES home prog _child with spas diplegia_Case Report.pdf
  13. Daichman et al 2003 FES home prog _child with spas diplegia_quads_Case Report.pdf
  14. Damiano et al 2013 muscle plasticity post FES use_CP_WA.pdf
  15. Danino et al 2013 efficacy of neuroprosthesis in hemiplegic CP.pdf
  16. Downing et al 2014 2 week trial of FES positively affects gait function and QOL_MS.pdf
  17. Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation Device on Activity and Perfo….pdf
  18. Effects of WalkAide during HAP on MS patients page 2.pdf
  19. Effects-of-dual-task-constraints-on-intra-limb-coordination-during-treadmill-walking-in-people-with-chronic-stroke.pdf
  20. Everaert et al 2010_does FES change corticospinal connections_prog _ non-prog_PNS.pdf
  21. Everaert et al 2010_FES_corticospinal connections_prog _ non-prog_PNS.pdf
  22. Everaert et al 2013 WA vs AFO_walking performance after CVA.pdf
  23. Evera ert_2009JMeurorehabiINeuraIRepair.pdf
  24. Field Fote and Roach 2011 Influence of Locomotor training_speed _ distance_RCT_SCI_PNS.pdf
  25. Field-Fote_Tepavac2002 – intralinmb coord after PWBSTTand FES_SCI_PNS.pdf
  26. Field-Fote 2001 – combined use of BWS, FES and TT_SCI_PNS.pdf
  27. Hausdorf _ Ring 2008_effects _neuroprost_gait symmetry_rhythmicity_CVA_PNS.pdf
  28. Hoetal 2006 – FES changes dynamic resourses in children with CP_gastroc_review.pdf
  29. Johnson et al 2004_botulinum_FESJootdrop_CVA_prelim_PNS_RCT.pdf
  30. Johnston TE et al 2004_use of FES to augment traditional ortho surgery in children with CP.pdf
  31. Kim et al 2004 – FES vs AFO.pdf
  32. Kluding et al 2013 FES vs AFO after stroke – Bioness trial.pdf
  33. Laufer et al 2009 Chronic CVA_lyrfu_neuroprosth(bioness)_PNS.pdf
  34. Laufer et al 2009 effects of neuropros on func, social particp _ gait_CVA_PNS.pdf
  35. Mayer et al 2014 effects of FES on gait _ QOL_MS patients on Ampyra.pdf
  36. Meilahn2013tolerabilityofWAfortreatmentoffootdrop_CP.pdf
  37. NIH-CP MuscleGrowth.pdf
  38. Nolan et al 2015 center of pressure displacment with FES_WA.pdf
  39. NRR FES Foot Drop Bibliography.pdf
  40. Paul et al 2008_effect of FES on Physiol cost of gait_MS_PNS.pdf
  41. Perera et al 2006 MCID_phys perform measures_older adults.pdf
  42. Persson et al 2011 clin tests identify fall risk for 1st yr_CVA_BBS_TUGjL0MWT HL.pdf
  43. Pierce et al 2004_ percutaneous gastroc _ anttib FES_gait_CP_2 cases_PNS and gastroc.pdf
  44. Pierce et al 2004_com pari son of percutaneous and surface FES during gait _CP_case study.pdf
  45. Pierce et al 2004_com pari son of percutaneous and surface FES during gait _CP_case study_PNS.pdf
  46. Pool et al 2014 short-term daily community use of WA_CP.pdf
  47. Pool et al 2015 -Daily FES during everyday walking.pdf
  48. Prenton S, Hollands K, Kenney L. Functional electrical stimulation versus ankle foot orthoses for foot-drop a meta-analysis of orthotic effects.pdf
  49. ProsserJ012_acceptability_FES_CP3.pdf
  50. Ring et al 2009_FES vs AFO_postural controLgait_CVA_BI_PNS.pdf
  51. Robertson et al 2010 effect of FES on balance_confidence_CVA.pdf
  52. Seifert et al 2010_FES post botx_CP_dual channel ant lib and gastroc.pdf
  53. Sheffler 2013 spatitemp_kinematicjdnetic effects.PNSvs AFO^CVA.pdf
  54. Sheffler et al 2006J=ES vs AFO_footdrop_CVA_func amb_PNS.pdf
  55. Sheffler et al 2007_func ambjherapeutic effect. CVA_ case studies^PNS.pdf
  56. Sheffler et al 2008_effect of AFO on gait in MS – pilot.pdf
  57. Sheffler et al 2009 spatial and kinematic effects of PNS vs AFO_MS_case series_PNS.pdf
  58. Sheffler et al 2009_neuroprosthetic effect PNS_MS preliminary_PNS.pdf
  59. Sheffler et al 2013RCT_Surface PNS_Motor Relearning in Lower Limb Hemiparesis.pdf
  60. Stein et al 2006 (multi-center study full article) SCI_CVA_PNS.pdf
  61. Stein et al 2006 (multi-center study full article).pdf
  62. Stein et al 2007 – FES strengthens cortico-spinal connections.pdf
  63. Stein et al 2007 – FES strengthens cortic-spinal connections MS_CVA_PNS.pdf
  64. Stein et al_2010_LTtherapuetic and orthotic effects _FES_nonprog disorders.pdf
  65. Stein et al_2010_LTtherapuetic and orthotic effects _FES_nonprog disorders_PNS.pdf
  66. Stei n_2009_N eu roreh a bi IN eu ra I Repair. pdf
  67. Street T, Swain ^ Taylor P. Training and orthotic effects related to functional electrical stimulation of the peroneal nerve in stroke.pdf
  68. Taylor 1999 Pts perceptions of the ODFS.pdf
  69. Taylor et al 1999 Oddstock_speed _ effort of walking_CVA _ MS_PNS.pdf
  70. Taylor et al 2012 – FES and exercise on gait_MS_pilot.pdf
  71. Taylor et al 2013 long-term cost-effectiveness_FES_drop foot_CVA_MS.pdf
  72. Tilson et al 2010 MCID in gait speed during 1st 60 days post CVA-HL.pdf
  73. van der linden et al 2008_FES-dorsiflexers _ quads_CP_some PNS.pdf
  74. Wieler et al 1999 multicenter eval of FES SCI_CVA_PNS.pdf